

Water Act 2016

Water Act 2016

Section 72(1)


The Water Services Regulatory Board has, in pursuant to Section 72 (1) of the Water Act 2016, approved a regular Tariff increase for water and sewerage tariffs for Nairobi City Water & Sewerage Company Limited (NCWSC).

After considering the application, the written and oral submissions by all stakeholders during the consultation period, and based on latest available data; WASREB has determined an upward tariff review for NCWSC is justified in order to improve service delivery, operate sustainably and protect consumer interests by meeting the tariff conditions attached to the tariff.

WASREB gives a one (1) months’ notice to all existing and potential customers of NCWSC that the approved tariffs for the four financial years 2022/23, 2023/24 and 2024/25 shall be as follows:

1.1 Water Tariff Structure for the Period 2022/2023 to 2024/2025

Type of customer Approved tariff per m3 (Ksh)
Consumption Block
1-6 45
7-20 67
21-50 70
51-100 76
101-300 78
>300 80
Commercial / Industrial
Consumption Block
1-50 67
51-100 76
101-300 78
>300 80
Government Institutions
Consumption Block
1-50 67
51-100 76
101-300 78
>300 80
Schools, Universities and Colleges
Consumption Block
1-600 50
601-1200 55
>1200 60
Multi dwelling Units (MDU)/ Gated Communities (per m3) 67
Bulk Water Supply to other Public Utilities (per m3  32
Water Kiosk (per m3) 22
1.2 Sewerage Tariff Structure for the period 2022/2023 to 2024/2025.
(a) Consumers with a Water Connection.
Customer Category Approved Tariff
Domestic/Residential Consumption Block in m3 (75% of water consumed) Tariff
1-6 43
7-20 56
21-50 63
51-100 65
101-300 68
>300 72
1-50 56
51-100 65
101-300 68
>300 72
Schools, Universities and Colleges
1-600 43
601-1200 45
>1200 50
Multi dwelling Units (MDU)/Gated Communities (per m3) 56
Bulk Sewerage customers (From Public WSPs) (per m3) 30

(b) Consumers without a Water Connection.
Sewerage consumers without a water connection shall be charged as follows:
  • Domestic customers without a metered source of water (Per Single dwelling unit): KSh. 350 per month.
  • All other categories: 75% of the volume of water consumed as per the metered source of water including boreholes, at the tariff below:
Consumption Block (m3) Recommended Tariff (KSh/m3)
1-6 m3 43
7-20 m3 56
21-50 m3 63
51-100 m3 65
101-300 m3 68
>300 m3 72

Note: All disconnected accounts (water only, sewer only and water + sewer shall be charged based on the average of the last three months’ charges before the disconnection.
1.3 Indexation of the Approved Tariff The utility’s approved tariffs for water and sewerage shall be eligible for annual indexation, as per the regulations of the Water Services Regulatory Board (WASREB). The inflation adjustment shall come into effect every July of the tariff period commencing July 2024.
1.4 Miscellaneous Charges
These shall be as follows:
*Customers with only sewer connection to be charged a deposit equivalent to water connection
Item/ Service Charge (KSh.)
Water Deposit
Category of Consumer
Domestic 2,500
Multi Dwelling Units (MDU – Small); 4-10 units 5,000
Multi Dwelling Units (MDU – Medium); 11-20 units 10,000
Multi Dwelling Units (MDU – Large); > 21 units 20,000
Retail shops less than 10 m3 3,000
Retail shops more than 10 m3 3,500
Bar, restaurants less than 15 m3 4,000
Bar, restaurants more than 15 m3 6,000
Hotel less than 150 m3 12,000
Hotel more than 150 m3 15,000
Hospitals more than 150 m3 20,000
Health centres less than 150 m3 12,000
Schools less than 200 m3 10,000
Schools and other institutions more than 200 m3 20,000
Minor construction sites more than 200 m3 15,000
Major construction sites more than 300 m3 50,000
Light industries less than 200 m3 30,000
Medium industrial between 200 m3 and 300 m3 50,000
Heavy industries more than 300 m3 100,000
Water Kiosks 5,000
*Customers with only sewer connection to be charged a deposit equivalent to water connection
Other Charges
New water connection fee 2,500
Water Reconnection fee — at meter point 1,000
Water Reconnection fee — at mains 5,000 and double deposit
Tanker – 5000, 16,000 litres 2,500, 5,000 respectively per tanker within WSP area for all consumers
Sale of water Per m3 at bowling point (own tanker) 67
Replacement of stolen or damaged meters 100% of the market cost of the meter
Meter testing on request 500
Leak detection services – non-customers 3,700 for Non-Customers and Free for Customers
Sewer Connection- Residential/ domestic 2,500
Sewer Connection- Commercial, Government, schools, Universities and Colleges 5,000
Sewer Connection- Industrial 15,000
Private sewer unblocking 5,000 for private and zero for public
Sewer Reconnection fee (at mains) 15,000
For cutting off the supply at the request of the consumer 200
For turning on the supply otherwise than in respect of a first connection 200
Exhauster Services (Company Exhauster) 6,000 for other customers and 4,000 for informal settlements (within NCWSC service area)
Private Exhausters (Dumping into the company’s sewer system) 5,000 per Truck per month
Hiring of flushing unit services by private entities including other WSPs 15,000 per hour
Sales of sludge 300 per ton
Dishonored Cheque 3,000 per Dishonored payment
Polluter pay principle fees As per WASREB’s Sanitation Levy and Trade Effluent Guideline
Illegal water connection, -Commercial, Industry, Construction (Fraud) 100,000 plus estimated consumption during the period of the illegality
Illegal water connection, (Fraud) – Domestic 30,000 plus estimated consumption during the period of the illegality
Overcharging (fraud) at water kiosk 15,000
Illegal sewer connection- Commercial, Industry, Construction 100,000
Illegal sewer connection- Domestic, Governments Schools, Universities & Colleges 30,000
Self-reconnection after cut off for non-payment 5,000 and billing to be backdated from date of cut off
Surcharge for tampering with meters (this to include meter removal, reversing of meter etc) 5,000
Surcharge for direct suction of water from the supply line using a pump 10,000